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Hello, are you looking for education printable for your children and students? Please take a look by click the picture. Thank you and happy shopping!

#MONTESSORI 3 PARTS CARD (click the picture to purchase)
Montessori 3 part cards are three cards consisting of a picture, a label of said picture, and a labeled picture. These cards are designed for children ages 3-6 and 6-9 to learn the information in a variety of topics to engage a wide range of children. 

Montessori 3 part cards can be used in many ways. Their versatility allows for kids of all age groups, not just the ones intended, to benefit from their fun learning style. Below is a chart of the different age groups and how they use Montessori cards to learn different things. 

the goal of Montessori 3 part cards is to start learning how to match and identify objects and start learning how to match images and words and eventually to spell. At next stage, your child be able to not only identify and read the cards, but also understand their definitions. 

Please take a look by click the link on the picture or you can buy directly to us by chat (telegram only) and pay with PayPal. Please remember these products are in English language, if you want to buy in Indonesia language, you can buy in KARYAKARSA apps or directly chat.










#EDUCATION PRINTABLE (click the picture to purchase)
We designed a lot of education printable for your home learning with various type of themes like Science, Math, English language, Arabic alphabet, and many more. 

Please take a look by click the link on the picture or you can buy directly to us by chat (telegram only) and pay with PayPal. Please remember these products are in English language, if you want to buy in Indonesia language, you can buy in KARYAKARSA apps or directly chat.








#EARLY READER "Helping your child to read" (click the picture to purchase)
We design this book to help your child read with confident. The child be able to know and remember the letter and sound of the word without stress. We design the book for 3 stages: level 1, level 2, and level 3. 

Level 1:
We designed this level to Support exploration and observation stage. At this stage, your child starts learning to recognize some simple, common words. 

Recommendation level: below 3 years old
School: pre-school
Book content: 1 simple and common words

Level 2:
We designed this level to Support Support imitation stage. at this stage, your child will be able to use their knowledge of letters and sounds to work out new words, though they may still need help.

Recommendation level: 3 years old and above.
School: nursery
Book content: 1 simple sentence, mostly repetition sentences.

Level 3:
We designed this level to Support improvisation & imagination stage. at this stage, child will find sentences become very slightly more complex as your child becomes more comfortable reading more words.

Recommendation level: for kids 5 years old and above.
School: Kindergarten.
Book content: 1-2 sentences with variation type of sentences. 

Please take a look by click the link on the picture or you can buy directly to us by chat (telegram only) and pay with PayPal. Please remember these products are in English language, if you want to buy in Indonesia language, you can buy in KARYAKARSA apps or directly chat.


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